Simon Pearsall

Award winning cartoonist and illustrator

My cartoons appear in various magazines including Private Eye, The Spectator, The New Statesman and The Oldie. I have a regular cartoon, "First Drafts" which has been running in Private Eye on the Literary review page since 2002. I have also drawn various regular strips including "The Gravy Trainer" and "Gym and Tonic".

I have twenty years experience working in the corporate and business sector and have supplied cartoons for presentations, events and in-house publications.

A little cartoon like Simon Pearsall's drawing of Antarctic explorers huddling in their frozen tent, with the caption 'To evict Scott, call 0901 4433 21; To evict Oates call...' nails our anti-heroic celebrity culture more accurately than many a learned essay.
Mick Hume, The Times.

Commissions- I accept commissions for all kinds of situations from business to personal. I have twenty years’ experience working alongside the business and corporate world and even more years working alongside the personal one… I can guarantee a fast turnaround and provide plenty of ideas and roughs to choose from before delivering the final work. Prices vary according to the nature of the project. Please get in touch to discuss.


Drawing at conferences - capturing the key points, highlighting issues and distilling complex ideas into punchy visuals - is something that I have been doing more and more of over the last ten years (clients include KPMG, Microsoft, HRA Pharma, Boxwood and Lloyds).

Delegates often take photos of the illustrations to show their teams and the cartoons are also used in the follow-up material after the event, frequently people commission me on the spot to do further work for future and ongoing projects. As an ex actor and stand-up I am very comfortable to get up and talk the room through what I've done but also very happy to take a back seat and scribble away.

In the meantime, have a look around and enjoy the site.

I look forward to hearing from you...

Simon's cartoons are in our training material, in our live events, on our website and on our office walls. His cartoons make me laugh and think - a powerful combination in a training environment.
Andy Powrie
AKT Productions